Summer holiday kendo reading


Sensei Terry Holt, Kendo Kyoshi 7 Dan.

Sensei Terry Holt

Some of you may have met Sensei Holt when he visited Melbourne in early December. He has written a handy booklet for kendo players who will soon be experienced enough to commence training as kendo shinpan.  The book is now in it’s third edition. This 2011 version is free to download as a PDF and is designed to be printed as an A5 booklet on normal A4 paper, then folded and stapled.

The First Steps to Becoming a Referee

Sensei Ho Young Choi, Kendo Renshi 6  Dan.

Sensei Choi with some of his students at the 2011 NSWKA Kendo Championships event..

Sensei Ho Young Cho was one of the AKR sponsored trainees at the recent FIK Asian Zone Kendo Referee Seminar held in Korea in 2011.  Sensei Choi has written an interesting report of his learning and experiences at the Seminar.  Download a PDF.

Kate Sylvester, Kendo 4 Dan.

Kate Sylvester (R)

Kate is a multiple time Australian Womens Kendo Champion, Australian Kendo Team member and was a co-organiser of the 2011 Oceania Womens Kendo Seminar, held in Sydney.  Kate is conducting some interesting research on women in kendo. Download an updated version of a recent paper that Kate wrote on Developments in Japanese Womens Kendo.  PDF.