Japanese Budo Demonstrations and Goodwill Kendo Keiko

You have probably heard of the Nippon Budokan.  This remarkable budo centre is used each year as the venue for the All Japan Kendo Championships and was the venue for the 16th World Kendo Championships, held in 2015 and many other important cultural events.

Each year, the Nippon Budokan Foundation, the foundation that manages the Budokan and surrounds, dispatches a “Budo Delegation” (Japanese martial ways) to a different country to perform demonstrations, hold workshops, and facilitate greater international understanding of the traditional Japanese martial arts. This is an event sponsored by the Government of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Sports Agency.

To celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the signing of the “Basic Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation” (1976) between Australia and Japan, the 2016 International Budo Delegation consisting of 78 martial arts masters will visit Sydney in November 2016.

This year, nine modern budo disciplines will be demonstrated.  Judo, kendo, karatedo, shorinji kempo, naginata, aikido, sumo, kyudo and jukendo. There will also be three kobudo (classical) traditions at the demonstration: Hozoin-ryu Takada-ha Sojutsu (spear), Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Takuma-kai, and Hokushin Itto-ryu Kenjutsu (swordsmanship).

November 11, 2016 (Fri.) – Mini Budo Seminar and Demonstration
UNSW, Colombo Theatre A; 14:00-16:00. (Details/Poster) (Map)
November 12, 2016 (Sat.) – Goodwill kendo training
10:30am-12:30pm. Sydney University Sports and Recreation Centre, corner of Darlington Rd & Codrington Street, Darlington NSW. (Map)
November 13, 2016 (Sun.) – Main Event – Budo Demonstration 
(Sydney Showgrounds, Exhibition Hall 4; 14:00-17:00. (Details/Poster) (Map)

The Kendo Delegation will include Mr. Tadahiro AJIRO (Kendo Hanshi 8 Dan) Sensei plus 6 x Kyoshi 7 Dan Sensei.  The Goodwill keiko will provide a great opportunity for a high quality kendo training, knowledge and social exchange.budo pic 1